Pro Sports Broadcasting

Bob “Kingpin” Eres spoke today to Coach & Founder Martin Zitter about Pokatok and Tlachbol. Granted, these are not terms the average sports fan uses, but these games are actually the predecessors of many games you do know and play, like baseball, basketball & soccer.
A little background on them is that these two games date back to Mayans, Aztecs and other indigenous groups; stretching from Arizona to Nicaragua. The games are still played by these groups in 1,300 fields. They have now been adapted to become a coed, indoor or outdoor sport that can be played anywhere in the world where there’s an acre of a flat level surface.
The coach explains how the games are played, using a replica of a field. It’s fascinating and looks like a lot of fun for players of any age. Take a look! The game site is colorful & informative, too!

April 4, 2011
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